Table of Contents
Black Panther: A Characterization Study of Erik Killmonger’s Machiavellianism
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2451
Aldila Tania Agatha, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini, I Gusti Agung Istri Aryani
1 - 23
Heritage Language and Ethnic Identity: A Study on Students' Ethnic Identity and Self-Identification in Jakarta
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2444
Purnama Nancy Lumban Batu
24 - 38
The Implementation of Online Classes in Mediating Reading Activities in the Blended Learning Model
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2389
Senny Suzanna Alwasilah
39 - 58
Students’ Perceptions on English Fun Fair as an Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Speaking for Social Purposes Classes
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2677
Ardela Indri Apriliani, Listyani Listyani
73 - 95
Direct and Indirect Compliment Responses: A Descriptive Qualitative Study among Indonesians and Americans
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2655
wulansari wulansari
96 - 116
The Implementation of Jigsaw Technique with Musical Background in Comprehending Reading Text
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2536
Ammang Latifa, Rafi’ah Nur, Muhammad Faried Wadjedy
117 - 141
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception and Vision about TPACK and Its Implementation
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2445
Arrizalu Arsa Ringotama
142 - 165
Native and Non-native Speeches in the 4th ELTIC Conference: Genre Analysis
DOI : 10.24167/celt.v20i1.2654
Sudar Sudar
166 - 183
Vemby Ari Sandi
184 - 194