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Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 1, No 1: Special Issue of the 9th International Conference on Business and Economy, June 2024 The Influence of Company Fundamentals and Director Characteristic towards Fair Value Measurement in the Indonesian Banking Industry Abstract   PDF
Riska Delisa Haryono, Bernadia Linggar Yekti Nugraheni
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 1, No 1: Special Issue of the 9th International Conference on Business and Economy, June 2024 The Influence of Director Characteristics and Company Performances towards Firm Value Abstract   PDF
Auliarahma Widialvanti, Bernadia Linggar Yekti Nugraheni
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 3, No 1: July 2021 The Influence of Earning Per Share, Price Earnings Ratio, and Price to Book Value toward Price of Stok of Coal Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2014-2018 Abstract   PDF
Rr. Jean Brebeuf Iryani Andamari, Caecilia Wahyu Estining Rahayu, Ima Kristina Yulita
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 5, No 1: July 2023 The Influence of E-Servqual on Customer E-Satisfaction, A Case of A State-Owned Bank Abstract   PDF
Sindi Budi Emilia, Ridwan Sanjaya
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 17, No 1: Juni 2019 The Influence of Malay Architecture Style on The Elements of Facade in Palembang Limas House Abstract   PDF
Irma Indriani, Aditha Maharani Ratna, Andy Budiarto
Psikodimensia: Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 19, No 1: Juni 2020 The Influence of Perceived Maternal Warmth toward Empathy among Urban Adolescents from Low Socio-Economic Status Family Abstract   PDF
Amanda Rachmawati, Ratih Arruum Listiyandini
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 4, No 2: January 2023 The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image, and Price on Purchase Decision of Cimory Yogurt Drink: A Case in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Abstract   PDF
Roni Syahrul Abidin
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 1, No 2: January 2020 The Influence of Quality of Distribution and Sales Promotion to Customer Satisfaction in PT Arasindo Abstract   PDF
Yusuf Suwandi
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 5, No 2: December 2005, Nationally Accredited THE INFLUENCE OF READING HABIT ON THE STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT IN LITERARY RELATED SUBJECTS : A RESEARCH REPORT Abstract   PDF
Psikodimensia: Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 18, No 1 (2019) The Influence of Social Support and Self Esteem on Subjective Well-Being in Elderly of Pamona Utara Sub-District Poso Regency Abstract   PDF
Sry Pegiantri Tolewo, Yari Kurnaningsih, Adi Setiawan
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 3, No 2: January 2022 The Influence of Tecnology Adaptation and Market Orientation on Business Performance of BPR in Karanganyar with Competitive Advantage as the Mediation Abstract   PDF
Susanto Tanggono, Maria Y.D. Hayu Agustini
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 5, No 2: January 2024 The Influence of Website Design, E-Trust, and E-Service Quality on Online Purchase Decision Abstract   PDF
Hetty Sri Haryanti
Journal of Business and Technology Vol 1, No 1: April 2021 The Information Systems of Boarding House Search Application In Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang Based On Android Abstract   PDF
Anastasia Widiastuti, Erdhi Widyarto Nugroho, Albertus Dwi Yoga Widiantoro
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 2, No 1: July 2002 THE INHIBITING GRAMMATICAL RULES OF INDONESIAN IN THE ACQUISITON OF TENSES AND TO BE Abstract   PDF
Y. E. Budiyana
Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) Vol 2, No 1: July 2020 The Innovation Process of Transforming Liquid Param Manna into Cream Param Manna Abstract   PDF
Yenny Sarwokusumo
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 20, No 1: Maret 2022 The Institutional Work of IFRS Adoption in Telco Company: Transformation from US GAAP to IFRS Abstract   PDF (English)
Winda Susliani, Ersa Tri Wahyuni, Evita Puspitasari
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 21, No 1: June 2021, Nationally Accredited The Integration of Technical Vocational Education and Training Systems to Expand Employment Opportunities and Business Development Abstract   PDF
Yeni Nuraeni, Henigusnia Henigusnia
Heny E. Hartono, Tan Agung Haryono
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 7, No 1: July 2007, Nationally Accredited THE INTERNET: BREAKING THE RULE OF TEACHING GRAMMAR Abstract   PDF
Antonius Suratno
SISFORMA Vol 4, No 1 (2017): May 2017 The Introduction of Classic Batik Motif to the Community Through Game Abstract   PDF
Elisa Purnamasari, Erdhi Widyarto, Albertus Dwiyoga Widiantoro
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 19, No 2: December 2019, Nationally Accredited The Jews in Hollywood: Altering Image through Religious Movies Abstract   PDF
Witriani Witriani
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 15, No 2: December 2015, Nationally Accredited THE LANGUAGE AND IDEOLOGY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR DRUG CONVICTS FOUND IN SELECTED OPINIONS IN THE JAKARTA POST Abstract   PDF
Arina Istiā€™anah
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 3, No 1: July 2003 THE LANGUAGE IN CHINUAACHEBE'S A MAN OF THE PEOPLE Abstract   PDF
Angelika Riyandari
Soepra Jurnal Hukum Kesehatan Vol 10, No 1: Juni 2024 The Legal Power in Evidence of Electronic Medical Records As A Substitute for A Doctor's Signature Abstract   PDF
Christine Widjaja, Adriano Adriano
Soepra Jurnal Hukum Kesehatan Vol 10, No 1: Juni 2024 The Legal Responsibility of Insurance Companies towards Customers for Mistakes by Commercial Health Insurance Agents in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Ricardo Stanislaus Angdiarto, Mokhamad Khoirul Huda
1876 - 1900 of 2062 Items << < 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 > >>