technologies have marked the revolutionary era of human beings.
The rate of the progress is so incredible that 110 one is able to predict
what other changes may be happening. Despite being late. ELTworld
has slowly begun to change by adopting media technologies in
teaching. During the course of the change, however; the practicioners
of the technologies pose a dilemma in the level of implementatioll.
Oil the one hand, they offer grand opportunities to create a brighter
future, but on the other hand, they bring with them challenges that
may prevent the teacher practicionersfrom adopting thelll il/lal/guage
teaching practices. Thus, it is within this perspective that this paper
is trying to discuss by viewing them from what the opportunities alld
the challenges it poses by offer inga way outfrom it. This paper will
mainly be a reflective discllssion ill nature, as it tries to open lip
those m'o opposing sides alld underlines the potentially remaining
problems that may intact if they are not coped with ill a proper manner.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/celt.v3i1.1081
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