Successful Aging Lansia yang Tinggal di Panti Wreda: Peran Resiliensi dan Hardiness

Timotius Iwan Susanto, Christiana Hari Soetjiningsih


Abstrak: Lansia adalah individu yang berada pada tahap akhir rentang hidup manusia yang diharapkan dapat mencapai successful aging, termasuk lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi successful aging. Dua prediktor penting yang diduga berhubungan dengan  successful aging adalah resiliensi dan hardiness. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan apakah resiliensi dan hardiness secara simultan dapat menjadi prediktor succesful aging lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Skala Successful Aging, Skala CD-RISC, dan Skala Short Hardiness. Partisipan dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah 26 lansia yang tinggal di Panti Wreda Salatiga. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa successful aging pada lansia dapat diprediksi oleh resiliensi (b=0,498; p<0,05) dan hardiness (b=0,477; p<0,05) secara simultan. Resiliensi dan hardiness secara simultan merupakan faktor penting untuk mencapai successful aging pada lansia yang tinggal di panti wreda. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini dibahas lebih lanjut oleh peneliti.

Kata kunci: Successful aging, resiliensi, hardiness, lansia, panti wreda


Abstract: Elderly are the individual who are at the last stage in the human life span who are expected to achieve successful aging, including the elderly who live in nursing home. There are various factors that affect successful aging. Two important predictors that are expected to be associated with successful aging are resilience and hardiness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of resilience and hardiness simultaneously to successful aging in elderly who live in nursing home. This study uses a quantitative approach and the data collected using the Successful Aging Scale, CD-RISC Scale, and Short Hardiness Scale. The participants was selected using  purposive sampling with a total of 26 elderly who live in nursing home, Salatiga. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regression. The analysis showed that successful aging in the elderly can be predicted by resilience (b=0.498; p<0.05) and hardiness (b=0.477; p<0.05) simultaneously. The resilience and hardiness simultaneously are important factors to achieve successful aging in elderly who live in nursing home. The implications of the results of this study are discussed further by the researcher.

Keywords: Successful aging, resilience, hardiness, elderly, nursing home


successful aging, resilience, hardiness, elderly, nursing homes

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