Aridah Aridah


Feedback, which is not new in the practice of teaching
and learning of writing, has become a controversial issue recently.
A n important point of debates is whether feedback is necessQl)'. This
article aims to discuss the issue offeedback by providing arguments
thatfeedback is helpful and language learners do need it. A number
of evidences for the use of feedback are provided. In terms of
grammatical errors, feedback contributes to improvement in the
accuracy of students' writing. On the other hand, feedback on
contents provides students with hints for ideas to be developed further
and helps stimulate the development of their logical reasoning. This
a,.,icle also highlights the issue offeedbackfrom the perspective of
the students. An emphasis on the importance offurther research on
feedback concludes the discussion in this Ql1ic/e.


feedback. teaching and learning of writing

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