Gambaran Penyebab Mahasiswa Enggan Mencari Bantuan Profesional di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Lucia Hernawati


Mahasiswa menjadi segmen yang rawan mengalami gangguan kesehatan mental karena berada pada fase transisi peran dari remaja akhir menuju dewasa. Salah satu hal yang memengaruhi keberhasilan dalam mengelola masalah kesehatan mental di masa pandemi Covid-19 adalah perilaku mencari bantuan pada profesional (konselor, psikolog, psikiater). Banyak mahasiswa enggan mencari bantuan pada profesional saat menghadapi permasalahan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab mahasiswa enggan mencari bantuan pada professional di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan delapan orang mahasiswa yang saat ini sedang kuliah di empat universitas di kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyebab utama keengganan mahasiswa mencari bantuan pada profesional adalah kurangnya dukungan sosial dalam bentuk informational support, instrumental support, dan emotional support. Terdapat sikap yang negatif terhadap pemberian bantuan profesional pula, mahasiswa merasa masalah yang dialaminya tidak serius maka cukup dibicarakan dengan teman, pacar, atau keluarga, tidak perlu mencari bantuan pada profesional.


Studi deskriptif; mencari bantuan profesional; Covid-19; mahasiswa


Aldalaykeh, M., Hammouri, M.M., Rababah, J.(2019). Predictors of Mental Health Services Help-Seeking Behaviour among University Students. Cogent Psychology.

Bathje, G., & Pryor, J. (2011). The Relationships of Public and Self-Stigma to Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 33: 161-176

Bird, M.D., Chow, G.M., Yang, Y. (2020). College Students’ Attitudes, Stigma, And Intentions Toward Seeking Online And Face‐To‐Face Counseling. Journal of Clinical Psychology 76 (9): 1775-1790.

Bonabi, H., Müller, M., Ajdacic-Gross, V., Eisele, J., Rodgers, S., Seifritz, E., ... & Rüsch, N. (2016). Mental health literacy, attitudes to help seeking, and perceived need as predictors of mental health service use: a longitudinal study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(4), 321-324.

Cheng, Hsiu, L., Wang, C., McDermott, R.C., Kridel, M., Rislin, jamey, L. (2018). Self‐Stigma, Mental Health Literacy, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help. Journal of Counseling and Development 96 (1): 64-74

Corrigan, P.W., & Watson, A.C.(2002). Understanding the Impact of Stigma on People with Mental Illness. Word Psychiatry, 1, 16-20

DeBate, Rita D., Gatto, A. (2018). The Effects of Stigma on Determinants of Mental Help-Seeking Behaviours Among Male College Students: An Application of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. American Journal of Men’s Health 1(1): 2-11 DOI:10.1177/1557988318773656

Erkan, S., Cankaya, Z.C., Ozbay, Y., Terzi, S.(2012). The Prediction of University Students’Willingness to Seek Counseling. Education Sciences: Theory & Practice.

Gysbers, Norman, C., & Henderson, Patricia. (2012). Developing & Managing Your School Guidance & Counseling Program, USA: American Counseling Association.

Ibrahim,N., Amit, N., Shahar, S., Wee, L.H., Ismail, R., Khairuddin, R. , Ching, Sin, S., & Safein Mohd A. (2019). Do depression literacy, mental illness beliefs and stigma influence mental health help-seeking attitude? A cross-sectional study of secondary school and university students from B40 households in Malaysia. BMC Public Health.

Jorm, A. F. (2000). Mental health literacy: Public knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 177(5), 396-401.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). Kamus versi online

Khan, Z. (2006). Attitudes Toward Counseling and Alternative Support Among Muslims in Toledo, Ohio. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 1(1), 21–42.

Lee, S., Juon, H.-S., Martinez, G., Hsu, C. E., Robinson, E. S., & Ma, G. (2009). Model Minority at Risk: Expressed Needs of Mental Health by Asian American Young Adults. Journal of Community Health, 34(2), 144–152.

Pedrelli, P., Nyer, M., Yeung, A., Zulauf, C., & Wilens, T. (2015). College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerations. Academic Psychiatry, 39(5), 503–511.

Pinngolia, James, P.R.V. (2018). Help-Seeking Behaviours of College Students: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Counseling Psychology. https:www.

Qayyum, A.(2018). Student Help-Seeking Attitudes and Behaviours in A Digital Era. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 15(17). DOI 10.1186/s41239-018-0100-7

Maya, N. (2021), Kontribusi Literasi Kesehatan Mental dan Persepsi Stigma Publik terhadap Sikap Mencari Bantuan Profesional Psikologi, Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, Volume 7, Number 1, 2021: (page 22 – 32) E-ISSN 2407-7798 DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.58470

Rasyida, A.(2019), Faktor yang menjadi hambatan untuk mencari bantuan psikologis formal di kalangan mahasiswa. Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia ISSN. 2301-5985 (Print), 2615-5168 (Online) DOI: Website: Volume 8 No. 2, Desember 2019 Hal. 193-207

Rickwood, D., Deane, Frank, P., Wilson, Coralie, J., Ciarroch, J. (2005). Young People’s Help-Seeking for Mental Health Problems. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 4(3) ISSN: 1446-7984

Rickwood, D., Thomas, K., Bradford, S. (2012). Help-Seeking Measures in Mental Health: A Rapid Review. The Sax Institute

Sarafino, E. P. (2006). Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.

Syafitri, D.U. (2021). Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Articles Behavior Seeking Psychological Assistance to Students of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang

Setiawan, J. L. (2006). Willingness to seek counselling, and factors that facilitate and inhibit the seeking of counselling in Indonesian undergraduate students. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34(3), 403–419.

Unrau YA, Grinnell RM, Jr. (2005). Exploring Out-of-Home Placement as a Moderator of Help-Seeking Behaviour among Adolescents Who Are High Risk. Res Soc Work Pract 15(6):516-530

Aldalaykeh, M., Hammouri, M.M., Rababah, J.(2019). Predictors of Mental Health Services Help-Seeking Behaviour among University Students. Cogent Psychology.

Bathje, G., & Pryor, J. (2011). The Relationships of Public and Self-Stigma to Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 33: 161-176

Bird, M.D., Chow, G.M., Yang, Y. (2020). College Students’ Attitudes, Stigma, And Intentions Toward Seeking Online And Face‐To‐Face Counseling. Journal of Clinical Psychology 76 (9): 1775-1790.

Bonabi, H., Müller, M., Ajdacic-Gross, V., Eisele, J., Rodgers, S., Seifritz, E., ... & Rüsch, N. (2016). Mental health literacy, attitudes to help seeking, and perceived need as predictors of mental health service use: a longitudinal study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(4), 321-324.

Cheng, Hsiu, L., Wang, C., McDermott, R.C., Kridel, M., Rislin, jamey, L. (2018). Self‐Stigma, Mental Health Literacy, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help. Journal of Counseling and Development 96 (1): 64-74

Corrigan, P.W., & Watson, A.C.(2002). Understanding the Impact of Stigma on People with Mental Illness. Word Psychiatry, 1, 16-20

DeBate, Rita D., Gatto, A. (2018). The Effects of Stigma on Determinants of Mental Help-Seeking Behaviours Among Male College Students: An Application of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. American Journal of Men’s Health 1(1): 2-11 DOI:10.1177/1557988318773656

Erkan, S., Cankaya, Z.C., Ozbay, Y., Terzi, S.(2012). The Prediction of University Students’Willingness to Seek Counseling. Education Sciences: Theory & Practice.

Gysbers, Norman, C., & Henderson, Patricia. (2012). Developing & Managing Your School Guidance & Counseling Program, USA: American Counseling Association.

Ibrahim,N., Amit, N., Shahar, S., Wee, L.H., Ismail, R., Khairuddin, R. , Ching, Sin, S., & Safein Mohd A. (2019). Do depression literacy, mental illness beliefs and stigma influence mental health help-seeking attitude? A cross-sectional study of secondary school and university students from B40 households in Malaysia. BMC Public Health.

Jorm, A. F. (2000). Mental health literacy: Public knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 177(5), 396-401.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). Kamus versi online

Khan, Z. (2006). Attitudes Toward Counseling and Alternative Support Among Muslims in Toledo, Ohio. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 1(1), 21–42.

Lee, S., Juon, H.-S., Martinez, G., Hsu, C. E., Robinson, E. S., & Ma, G. (2009). Model Minority at Risk: Expressed Needs of Mental Health by Asian American Young Adults. Journal of Community Health, 34(2), 144–152.

Pedrelli, P., Nyer, M., Yeung, A., Zulauf, C., & Wilens, T. (2015). College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerations. Academic Psychiatry, 39(5), 503–511.

Pinngolia, James, P.R.V. (2018). Help-Seeking Behaviours of College Students: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Counseling Psychology. https:www.

Qayyum, A.(2018). Student Help-Seeking Attitudes and Behaviours in A Digital Era. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 15(17). DOI 10.1186/s41239-018-0100-7

Maya, N. (2021), Kontribusi Literasi Kesehatan Mental dan Persepsi Stigma Publik terhadap Sikap Mencari Bantuan Profesional Psikologi, Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, Volume 7, Number 1, 2021: (page 22 – 32) E-ISSN 2407-7798 DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.58470

Rasyida, A.(2019), Faktor yang menjadi hambatan untuk mencari bantuan psikologis formal di kalangan mahasiswa. Persona: Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia ISSN. 2301-5985 (Print), 2615-5168 (Online) DOI: Website: Volume 8 No. 2, Desember 2019 Hal. 193-207

Rickwood, D., Deane, Frank, P., Wilson, Coralie, J., Ciarroch, J. (2005). Young People’s Help-Seeking for Mental Health Problems. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 4(3) ISSN: 1446-7984

Rickwood, D., Thomas, K., Bradford, S. (2012). Help-Seeking Measures in Mental Health: A Rapid Review. The Sax Institute

Sarafino, E. P. (2006). Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.

Syafitri, D.U. (2021). Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference on Psychology Articles Behavior Seeking Psychological Assistance to Students of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang

Setiawan, J. L. (2006). Willingness to seek counselling, and factors that facilitate and inhibit the seeking of counselling in Indonesian undergraduate students. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34(3), 403–419.

Unrau YA, Grinnell RM, Jr. (2005). Exploring Out-of-Home Placement as a Moderator of Help-Seeking Behaviour among Adolescents Who Are High Risk. Res Soc Work Pract 15(6):516-530


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