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Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 20, No 2: September 2022 Determinan dan Konsekuensi Pengungkapan Integrated Reporting Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Merda Moeljadi, Nastashia Angelina, Stevanus Pangestu
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 17, No 2: September 2019 Determinan Efisiensi Investasi Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Andika Supra Nathaniel, Sansaloni Butar Butar
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 19, No 2: September 2021 Determinan Fraudulent Financial Statement Dalam Perspektif Fraud Pentagon Theory Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Bisri Rahayuningsih, Sukirman Sukirman
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 19, No 1: Maret 2021 Determinan Fraudulent Financial Statement Melalui Perspektif Fraud Hexagon Theory Pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Lailatul Imtikhani, Sukirman Sukirman
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Akuntansi dan Perpajakan (Jemap) Vol 7, No 1: April 2024 Determinan Kinerja Bisnis UMKM: Peran Mediasi Kapabilitas Inovasi Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Indarto Indarto
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 16, No 2: September 2018 Determinan Luas Pengungkapan Kompensasi Manajemen Kunci Abstract   PDF
Fransiska Dona Mayresa
Ike Anis Marsela, Tatang Ary Gumanti, Marmono Singgih
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 18, No 2: September 2020 Determinan Praktik Transfer Pricing dengan Firm Size Sebagai Pemoderasi Pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Lina Maulida, Agus Wahyudin
Psikodimensia: Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 18, No 2: Desember 2019 Determinant Factors of Customers Loyalty in Hotels in Bandung City Abstract   PDF
Medianta Tarigan, Anastasia Wulandari, Rina Triyuningsih, Berthy Dwi Baroqah, Bela Merdianingsih
Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Vol 20, No 1: Maret 2022 Determinants of Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Indonesian Companies Abstract   PDF (English)
Theresia Elsa, Sansaloni Butar Butar
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 19, No 2: December 2019, Nationally Accredited Developing A Digital Learning Game as a Medium for Cultural Enrichment on Descriptive Text Abstract   PDF
Reny Crisdiana
Journal of Business and Technology Vol 1, No 2: Agustus 2021 Developing and Creating Board Game as a Media to Learn English Vocabulary for Senior High Student Abstract   PDF
Kevin Christopher, Bernardus Harnadi, Hendra Prasetya
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 17, No 2: December 2017, Nationally Accredited Developing English Job Interview Skill by Self-Access Language Learning through Audio Podcast-Based Learning Media Abstract   PDF
Aloysius Soerjowardhana, Raden Arief Nugroho
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 5, No 1: July 2005 DEVELOPING INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE THROUGH LITERATURE Abstract   PDF
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 23, No 2: December 2023, Nationally Accredited (This issue consists of 10 Articles with 23 Authors, who are from 4 countries: Indonesia, India, Philippines, Nigeria) Developing Local MSMEs with Indonesian Socio-Culture Service Learning for Muria's Processed Parijoto Fruit Abstract   PDF
Victoria Kristina Ananingsih, Yohanes Alan Sarsita Putra, Alberta Rika Pratiwi, Sumardi Sumardi
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 19, No 2: December 2019, Nationally Accredited Developing Reading Materials Based on the Student’s Multiple Intelligence Types for Junior High School Students Abstract   PDF
Hanie Ika Setyowati, Sugirin Sugirin
SISFORMA Vol 5, No 2: November 2018 Developing Social Interaction Skills with Game Technology Abstract   PDF
Lidya Oktorina Kusuma Sakti, Septyana Hardianti Yunanto
SISFORMA Vol 5, No 1 (2018): May 2018 Developing the UNPAD SAS (Universitas Padjajaran Statistical Analysis Series) Software Abstract   PDF
Ratna Jatnika, Mustofa Haffas, Hendriati Agustiani
Psikodimensia: Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 21, No 1: Juni 2022 Development and Validation of Psychological Fitness to Drive Scale for Filipinos Abstract   PDF (ENGLISH)
Gideon Luke P. Ty, Jemerson N. Dominguez, Alberto T. Palomique
Journal of Business and Technology Vol 3, No 2: Agustus 2023 Development of a Web-based Application for Offline Mass Registration Abstract   PDF
Regina Ella Setyandari, Ridwan Sanjaya, Agus Cahyo Nugroho
Journal of Business and Technology Vol 2, No 3: Desember 2022 Development of Blockchain-Based Digital Signature Platform Abstract   PDF
Ang Sandy Kristiawan, F Ridwan Sanjaya, FX Hendra Prasetya
Journal of Business and Technology Vol 3, No 1: April 2023 Development of Electronic Documentation System for Final Project with Gamification to Improve the Effectiveness of Final Project Creation Abstract   PDF
Andre Kurniawan Pamudji
SISFORMA Vol 9, No 2: November 2022 Development of Employee Attendance Management Information System During the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on Website using QR Code and PHP Native Abstract   PDF
Ahmad Habib, Moch Dzawil Haiat, Balok Hariadi
Praxis : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Jejaring Volume 6, No. 2: Maret 2024 Development of E-Servqual Dimensions for Banking Abstract   PDF Version
Emilia Sindi
SISFORMA Vol 8, No 2: November 2021 Development of Information System Management Customer Satisfaction Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method and Website-Based Google Maps API at ISP XYZ Abstract   PDF
Ahmad Habib, Putra Aditya Nova, Ardy Januantoro
426 - 450 of 2062 Items << < 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 > >>