Willy Tri Wijaya, Rosita Herawati


The Olympics is an international sporting event held every four years and has lasted for 120 years, encompassing both summer and winter sports. The general opinion of people at the Olympics, in general, is that if short people enter a basketball competition, they won't win a medal. This study will prove whether public opinion about height affects an athlete's medal win. by using the BIRCH clustering algorithm to prove it is true or false. the data used is 120 years of Olympic history, the data taken is not completely intact, and there are missing data, the missing data will be replaced by using a deterministic regression method. The results of the research that has been done the results are that people's opinions are not entirely correct, besides the height factor other factors that affect the athlete's victory, namely the athlete's physical condition, the athlete's mental condition, and also how often athletes train to take part in the Olympics.


BIRCH algorithm; Deterministic Regression; Olympics

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