Stevanus Alditian Lai, Yonathan Purbo Santosa


bus companies currently have several obstacles in providing their fleets from one city to another because of the highly dynamic demand from passengers, bus companies must be able to analyze which routes will have a lot of demand so that bus companies can provide more fleets on the routes that will have high demand. Deep learning method is relatively new for bus company to predict the bus route demand, this study is try to create and implement LSTM Autoencoder-Bi-LSTM Hybrid Models and Bi-LSTM  to forecast bus route demand to support the decision making process in order to optimize bus fleet deployment each route. The results shows that LSTM Autoencoder-Bi-LSTM Hybrid Models and Bi-LSTM models doesn't differ very much.


Autoencoders, deep learning; LSTM; Bi-LSTM; Timeseries

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v4i2.12439

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