involved. One of which is the line managers responsible for work activities related
to output or product, and oversees operational labors. Whether or not this
performance is influenced by leadership style and interpersonal skill the leader of
line managers. This study dicusses about different test of situasional Leadership
Style on the performance of line managers with interpersonal skill as an interaction
effect. The first hypothesis suggest that there is no performance difference
between leadership style that fits and does not fit with condition of line managers.
The result of the second hypothesis suggest that there is no performance difference
between the categories of situational leadership style with the interpersonal skill as
an interaction effect. Based on these results, it is expected that the company can
improve the performance of line managers by not only applying situational
leadership style that matches with the condition of line managers
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/jab.v10i20.435
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