Hydroponic is one of growing plant method without soil. It uses water as the planting media. As of this writing, hydroponic method is quite popular in Indonesia because it is more hygienic, more results, more environmentally friendly at a lower cost production. Hydroponic life depends on the nutrients in the water. One of the most important of the hydroponic method is pH level of the water. The standard of pH level which used to grow a plant is in the range of 5.5 to 6.5.
To balance the standard of pH level, liquid for increasing and decreasing pH level are needed, but it is difficult to measure the pH level on the standard range while adding the water. Based on this problem, this project will develop an automated device for mixing pH up and pH down liquid so the level of pH will be keep in the desire range using pH sensor and Arduino microcontroller.
To balance the standard of pH level, liquid for increasing and decreasing pH level are needed, but it is difficult to measure the pH level on the standard range while adding the water. Based on this problem, this project will develop an automated device for mixing pH up and pH down liquid so the level of pH will be keep in the desire range using pH sensor and Arduino microcontroller.
pH sensor, Arduino, IoT Thingspeak, Hydroponic System.
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Pancawati, Dian & Yulianto, Andik, Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas International Batam(2016): Implementasi Fuzzy Logic Controller Untuk Mengatur PH Nutrisi Pada Sistem Hidroponik Nutrient Film Technique(NFT). National Journal Of Electrical Engineering ISSN:2302-2949Vol:5,No.2,278-289.
Kustanti, Ika & M. Aziz Muslim, Erni Yudaningtyas (2014): Pengendalian Kadar Keasaman (pH) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Stroberi Menggunakan Kontroler PID Berbasis Arduino Uno, Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB, Vol :2, No.1, p-ISSN: 2302-2949, e-ISSN: 2407-7267.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v2i2.3211
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