Tjan Davin Haryanto, Yonathan Purbo Santosa


Until now, waste management in an environment has not been evenly distributed in various countries. In fact, poor waste management can lead to negative things such as the emergence of several diseases. Therefore the automatic opening feature and monitoring system is a good thing to complete a trash can. Weight sensors and ultrasonic sensors can assist performance in part monitoring. The pear sensor will assist in detecting human movement, then closing the trash can will be moved with the help of a servo. A monitoring system with the help of fuzzy logic to determine the value of the obscurity will help in this regard. These main features will certainly help in improving waste management in an environment.


Smart Trash Can; Fuzzy Mamdani; Fuzzy logic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v6i1.12456

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