Nickolas Hadi Andara Putra, Rosita Herawati


Here are obstacles in the process of making software at PT. Hartono Technology Palace. At that time, every time a test was carried out on the software being developed, the company would find different results. This causes ineffective and inefficient software development processes. Problems at PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi was found because of the less use of standard software testing methods. That is why the test results are constantly changing, and the software development process cannot be completed quickly. This problem can be solved by applying the software testing method. This research will try to solve the problem by using 2 methods, trial and error, and integration. These two methods will be compared to determine which method is more effective in the software testing process at PT. Hartono Technology Palace. Several test scenarios are also designed to be applied in this study. As a final result, the trial and error method is the most effective method to be applied at PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi. The trial and error method is considered effective because the testing process is more thorough and in accordance with the established concept. While in the integration method, the testing process only focuses on testing data without paying attention to existing functions


Software Testing; Trial and Error; Effectiveness

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