Andreas Edwin Kurniawan, Rosita Herawati


This study aims to direct the testing pattern from manual testing to automated testing. Another goal is that the use of manual methods is less effective, efficient, time consuming, expensive and allows for human testing errors. With automated testing, this problem can be solved. Before performing automated testing, must create a test case. Test cases are made using the Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) technique, the boundary value analysis technique is made by determining the upper and lower limits on a data. Automated testing using the selenium tool and the programming language used is python. After performing automated tests using the black box method, boundary value analysis technique, and selenium tools, we got the results. Testing is carried out on the company code menu, site, and location, testing is carried out as many as (180x). The results obtained after testing are kode perusahaan menu and nama perusahaan fields, the success rate is 50% fail and 50%. Next, in the kode perusahaan menu and nama perusahaan fields, the success rate is 25% fail and 75% success. Then, in the site menu and site fields, the success rate is 50% fail and 50% success. In the site menu and kode pos fields, the success rate is 25% fail and 75%. In the lokasi menu and tipe lokasi fields, the success rate is 25% fail and 75%. In the lokasi menu and kode fields, the success rate is 25% fail and 75% success.


black box method; boundary value analysis technique; selenium tool; trial server ArtemisDev; python

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