Nathanael aAvin Prijomartono, R. Setiawan Aji Nugroho


Up to this point, we have encountered falls deliberately or inadvertently. Falling is something characteristic that has happened to everybody. Particularly in the old who have diminished affectability to tactile capacity. Restricted management of the older, caused me to make this apparatus. Expecting to keep away from things - things that are not alluring or all the more absolutely in the event that you fall might benefit from outside input quickly without being past the point of no return. In this way, we utilize the Arduino MPU-6050, which has an accelerometer and whirligig sensors to help distinguish older individuals when they are identified with a development that happens rapidly. This sensor will record information and afterward look at whether the size of the speed increase surpasses the edge esteem. Assuming it surpasses, the bell will sound to flag an unnatural development. So that later there will be activities that are not very late in assisting with aiding the old.


Elderly; Fall Detection; Arduino MPU-6050; Accelerometer; Gyroscope; Buzzer

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/proxies.v3i2.12428

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