Potential Implementation of Rain Harvesting in Adiwiyata School, Case Study: Al-Irsyad Islamic School, Demak Regency

Lintang Jata Angghita, R. Clarrino Adesetya Jaya, B.Y. Arya Wastunimpuna, Amrizarois Ismail, Dhiyan Krishna Wardhani


Water is the main component in the life of all living things. The amount of water on earth is always the same, but is distributed in different forms and in different places (under the earth's surface as aquifers, above the earth's surface as surface currents and in the open air as water vapor). The availability of fresh water that can be directly consumed and used by humans is very limited. The exploitation of groundwater to meet the water needs of people above ground will only worsen the conditions of the water cycle, leading, among other things, to flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season. One way to address this condition is to conserve water, particularly by making optimal use of surface water and minimizing groundwater exploration. The implementation of water conservation will be ineffective if carried out only by the government. Community participation is also required, including the Adiwiyata School Program. There is a saying in Javanese at Al-Irsyad Islamic SchoolDemak Adiwiyata School: " mangsa rendeng ora bisa ndhodok, mangsa ketiga ora bisa cewok " or which is translated into English as "During the rainy season it impossible to use aquat toilet (because of flooding), whereas in the dry season you cannot wash (because there is no water)." Based on these conditions, conservation efforts can be implemented in MA Al-Irsyad: use rainwater as a water source in the dry season and change water-saving lifestyle habits . The results of the analysis carried out show that there is potential for the use of rainwater. The study site requires an additional collection pond with a capacity of 20 m3 and the implementation of good housekeeping.


adiwiyata school; conservation; rain harvesting

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/chrome.v1i1.11344


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