Salomina Patty, Sutarto Wijono, Adi Setiawan


and gender with student’s learning achievement in SMA Kristen
YPKPM Ambon. The population in this research is the whole students of
SMA Kristen YPKPM Ambon which amounts 797 students, while the
number of the samples that has been used in this research were 168
students. To measure the variable of social support of peers it has been
used questionnaire adapted by Malecki (2002, cited in Dewolff 2012). To
measure the variable of self-control it has been used questionnaire by
Tangney et al (2004) which is then used by Gong, et al (2009) on his
research, while the student’s achievement has been measured using the
report of students education in the first semester period 2013/2014. Before
testing thehypothesis, first is measuring the validity and reliability of
measuring instruments by using a standard p>0.30 for validity and p>0.70
for reliability. After the writer/researcher test the hypothesis, then there are
some research results as follows: there is was relationship of peer social
support and self-control with student achievement, there is no interaction
effect of peer social support and gender with student achievement, there is
no interaction effect of self control and gender with student achievement,
there is no interaction effect of peer social support, self control and gender
with student achievement, and there was difference in student learning
achievement in terms of gender


peer social support, self-control, gender, learning achievement

Full Text:



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