Perbedaan Regulasi Emosi dan Jenis Kelamin pada Mahasiswa yang Bersuku Batak dan Jawa

Widiean Gabriele Yolanda, Y. Bagus Wismanto


This study aims to determine differences of emotion regulation and sex in the Batak ethnic students and Javanese ethnic students. Sampling was conducted using accidental quota sampling. Total subjects in this study were 120 people comprising 60 Batak ethnic students and 60 Javanese ethnic students. Data collection is done by using the scale of emotional regulation in validity test and valid. Data were analyzed using Independent Sample Test. The results show that the difference between the emotion regulation and the Batak ethnic student of Javanese ethnic is significant with results to = -2.355 and p<0,05. Then the results analysis of emotion regulation between men and women is not significant. This shows that there are differences in emotion regulation in students who have Batak ethnic and Javanese ethnic. The level of emotion regulation Javanese ethnic of students better than students that of the Batak ethnic students. In sex, as a whole showed no differences in emotion regulation between women and men, emotion regulation means women no higher than men.


emotion regulation, sex, Batak ethnic and Javanese ethnic.

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