Pendekatan Mindfulness dalam Menggambarkan Hubungan Rasa Syukur dan Kualitas Hidup pada Orang yang Hidup dengan Lupus

Putu Indah Wulandari, Irwanto Irwanto



Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) atau SLE adalah penyakit autoimun kronis. Efek psikologisnya antara lain emosi yang tidak stabil, perasaan lemah, putus asa, cemas, takut dan memicu depresi. Intervensi terhadap emosi negatif dapat memperbaiki kondisi kesehatan klien. Salah satu caranya adalah menjaga dan memupuk emosi positif, seperti selalu bersyukur. Rasa syukur diketahui terkait dengan kualitas hidup seseorang. Intervensi mindfulness mampu membantu klien merasa bersyukur. Penelitian kualitatif klinis ini melibatkan tiga partsipan yang mengalami lupus. Mereka diajak berproses dengan melakukan Mindful Breathing, Mindful Gratitude Journal, Walking Meditation, Mindful Eating, Loving Kindness Meditation, dan Body Scan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan alat diagnostik PANAS, GQ6, EQ-5D-5L dan VAS. Hasil intervensi menunjukkan bahwa ketiga partisipan mengalami peningkatan emosi positif, peningkatan rasa syukur, dan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik, juga membantu partisipan untuk merasa tenang, lebih menerima situasi, dan mampu melihat masalah dari perspektif yang lebih luas dan jelas sehingga mereka dapat mengatasi permasalahan lebih efektif.

Kata kunci: Rasa syukur, lupus, mindfulness, kualitas hidup.



Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic auto-immune disease. The psychological effects of SLE include unstable emotions, feeling weak, hopeless, anxious, afraid and can trigger depression. Intervening various negative emotions can bring changes to a better health condition. One way to achieve it is to keep and nurture positive emotions, such as always being grateful. Gratitude is known to be linked to one’s quality of life. One of the ways to generate gratitude is through Mindfulness Intervention. This qualitative clinical qualitative phenomenological study involves three adult participants currently dealing with lupus. They were invited to engaged in various Mindfulness Intervention such Mindful Breathing, Mindful Gratitude Journal, Walking Meditation, Mindful Eating, Loving Kindness Meditation, and Body Scan. Data collection was carried out by interviews using diagnostic instruments PANAS, GQ6, EQ-5D-5L and VAS. The result of the intervention indicated that the three participants had experienced increased positive emotions, increased gratitude and a better quality of life, also helps participants to feeling calm, more receptive to situations, and able to see problems from a broader and clearer perspective so that they can overcome deal with them more effectively.

Keywords: Gratitude, lupus, mindfulness, quality of life.


gratitude; lupus; mindfulness; quality of life


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