Gambaran Motivasi Mengajar Guru Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Melia Afriani, Rahmah Hastuti


Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak terhadap perubahan sistem pembelajaran menjadi dalam jaringan (daring) atau Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ), sehingga menimbulkan tantangan baru bagi guru. Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut, motivasi mengajar dibutuhkan oleh sebagai tenaga pendidik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran motivasi mengajar guru SMP pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah nonprobability-criterion sampling dan snowball sampling. Partisipan yang terlibat sebanyak 136 guru SMP di Jakarta. Analisis data yang dipaparkan berupa statistic deskriptif dan uji analisis menggunakan Independent-Sample T-Test, dan Mann-Whitney U. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi mengajar guru SMP di masa pandemi Covid-19 cenderung tinggi, namun masih terdapat sebesar 34.6% guru SMP yang tidak termotivasi untuk mengajar di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini juga menemukan terdapat perbedaan regulasi motivasi mengajar pada guru SMP ditinjau dari tahap usia, pendapatan, serta jenis sekolah tempat guru mengajar. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama termotivasi untuk mengajar selama masa pandemi Covid-19.

Kata kunci: Motivasi mengajar, guru, Covid-19


Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has brought an impact on changing the learning system into a network (online) or distance learning, causing new challenges for teachers. To face these challenges, teaching motivation is needed by teachers as educators. This study aimed to provide an overview of the teaching motivation of junior high school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research type was descriptive quantitative. The data collection techniques used were nonprobability-criterion sampling and snowball sampling. Participants involved in this study were 136 junior high school teachers in Jakarta. Descriptive Statistics were used in this study and analysis using Independent-Sample T-Test, and Mann-Whitney U were also used. The results of this study indicated that the teaching motivation of junior high school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic tends to be high, but there are still 34.6% of junior high school teachers who are not motivated to teach during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study also found that there were differences in teaching motivation regulations for junior high school teachers in terms of age, income, and the type of school where the teacher taught. Thus, it can be concluded that teachers in Junior High School are motivated to teach during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Teaching motivation, teacher, Covid-19.


Teaching motivation, teacher, Covid-19.

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