Validation of Padjadjaran Memory Rehearsal Application (PMRA) as A Tool for Measuring Working Memory Using Digit Span and Knox Cube

Lenny Kendhawati, Afra Hafny Noer


This study intends to test the validity of PMRA based on relationships with other variables and internal structures. This non-experimental quantitative approach in 61 children aged 5-8 discusses the correlation between PMRA with digit span and knox cube. Pearson product moment indicates that PMRA has a positive significant correlation with digit span and knox cube; i.e. PMRA verbal deret maju with digit forward (r=.557, p=<.001), PMRA verbal deret mundur with digit backward (r=.311, p=.015), and PMRA visual-spatial with knox cube (r=.393, p=.002). The analysis signifies that the working memory ability of children 7-8 (n=31) higher than aged 5-6 (n=30) in three parts of PMRA. Based on the two statistical data processing, PMRA is stated to be a valid working memory function measuring tool of children aged 5-8.


digit span, knox cube, padjadjaran memory rehearsal application, validation

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