Hubungan Antara Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Komitmen Organisasi Dengan Kinerja

Sugeng Sriyanto


In the current period of globalization, business competition is getting tighter, it takes organizations that are able to move dynamically and have qualified employees. Employees are an important factor, contributing the skills to the organization needs. To that end, the organization must improve the quality of employees, so that its performance will increase and implicate the achievement of organizational goals. Performance is a behavior in the form of work performance, influenced by external and internal factors. One part of the external factor is transformational leadership and one of the internal factors is organizational commitment. The existence of these two factors will be able to give effect to employee performance in more optimal. The purpose of this study, to know the relationship between transformation leadership and organizational commitment with performance. The number of subjects in this study was 119 people, using purposive sampling technique. Result of research, there is significant relation between transformational leadership and organizational commitment with performance, R = 0,695; F = 54.129; p = 0,000. Partially, transformational leadership is positively and significantly correlated with organizational performance and commitment related positively and significantly with performance, r = 0,603; with p = 0.00 and r = 0.506; p = 0.00.


Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Performance

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