Eksplorasi Mekanisme Pertanggungjawaban Badan Usaha Milik Desa

Novrilia Wulandari, Intiyas Utami


The Government of Indonesia encourage sustainable continuous development to eradicate poverty and equitable development in all corners of the region such as in the countryside through VIllage-Enterprise. Establishment of VIllage-Enterprise is carried out to encourage business activities that can increase the income of rural communities. VIllage-Enterprise's success in achieving business objectives is supported through governance. One of the most important aspects of governance practices is responsibility. In its development VIllage-Enterprise has issues in responsibility and management due to lack of Human Resources (HR) from operational implementers. This study aims to explore the responsibility mechanism from the managerial level of VIllage-Enterprise Karya Lestari Manunggal (Kalem) in the Kemasan Village, Sawit District through four components, namely the process of responsibility, the party making the responsibility, the form of responsibility and the party accepting responsibility. The data processing mechanism in this study uses an interactive analysis method. The results of research in VIllage-Enterprise Kalem related to the responsibility mechanism are considered not optimal because the operational managers must simultaneously take office that is not his responsibility, which is contradictive to the contents of AD / ART (Statutes and Bylaws). This is due to the lack of Human Resources (HR) in carrying out the duties and responsibilities to manage VIllage-Enterprise and the low interest of the community to participate as administrators of VIllage-Enterprise due to the lack of knowledge about VIllage-Enterprise and the lack of assistance from the government.


Responsibility Mechanism, BUMDesa, Governance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/jemap.v3i1.2483


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