Peran Auditor Dalam Menurunkan Biaya Utang Sebelum Dan Setelah Go Public

Sansaloni Butar Butar, Stefani Lily Indarto, Sih Mirmaning Damar Endah


his study examine the role of auditors and firm’s reputation in lowering firm’s cost of debt before and after Initial Public Offering. Firms gradually build reputation and history in the capital markets and thus information of older firms are widely available and increasing with age. Firms with highly regarded reputation are predicted to pay lower interest rate relative to those with lower reputation. To test the hypothesis, as much as 161 sampel firms are collected from Indonesia Stock Exhange over period 2003-2012. Results show, contrary to the prediction, that auditor reputation has no association with cost of debt. However, negative association between auditor reputation and cost of debt was found for firms with short private history. In additon, the results also provide no evident of the interaction between auditor reputation and age. Taking as a whole, the findings in this study shows that the role of auditors in reducing cost of debt were effective only before firms went public.

Studi ini menguji peran auditor dan reputasi perusahaan dalam menurunkan biaya hutang perusahaan sebelum dan sesudah go public. Perusahaan membangun reputasi dan sejarah di pasar modal secara bertahap sehingga informasi mengenai perusahaan yang telah lama beroperasi tersedia secara luas. Penelitian ini berargumen bahwa perusahaan dengan reputasi yang baik membayar suku bunga yang lebih rendah dibandingkan. Untuk menguji hipotesis, sebanyak 161 sampel perusahaan dikumpulkan dari Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2003-2012. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa reputasi auditor tidak berpengaruh pada biaya hutang. Selain itu, hasilnya juga tidak memberikan bukti interaksi antara reputasi dan usia auditor. Namun, hubungan negatif antara reputasi auditor dan biaya hutang ditemukan untuk perusahaan dengan sejarah pribadi yang pendek. Secara keseluruhan, temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran auditor dalam mengurangi biaya hutang hanya efektif sebelum perusahaan go public.


Auditor reputation, cost of debt, firm reputation, IPO, firm age.

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