Tinjauan Geometrik Jalan Raya Pada Titik-Titik Rawan Kecelakaan (Blackspots) Di Kota Semarang

Denis Bramedio Herlambang, Rosie Febri Febri Setyadi, Rudatin Ruktiningsih


This study is based on traffic accidents in Indonesia which increased from year to year, the
increase of the accident rate resulted in the loss of material or casualties. Frequent accidents
are classified as blackspots (accident-prone points). Then to minimize the blackspot, there is a
need to study the safety of traffic more deeply, one of the efforts is to conduct a road geometric
review. In the geometric overview of the highway there are horizontal alignments and vertical
alignments as the main points of discussion, where horizontal alignments discuss the speed,
bend length, stop visibility, side free areas, bend extension and super elevation. While the
vertical alinemen discuss about the cleverness, and vertical arch. Analysis of horizontal
alignment and vertical alignment based on RSNI 2004 criteria. The results of this study indicate
that there are some discussion of horizontal alignment and vertical alignment that is not in
accordance with the criteria of RSNI 2004, the discussion includes the length of the curve, the
stop visibility, and the side free area for alinemen horizontal, and vertical curvatures and
vertical alignments.


geometric highway, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24167/gs.v1i2.1175


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